It takes a long time to paint several people at once. It's been so long since I did this that I forgot. I worked late into the night and didn't sleep well.
Last week I wrote a blog titled "Automatic time card for illustration work". In this blog, I described how to measure the time spent using drawing applications. I also used this measurement when I created this week's illustration. I visualized that it was taking much more time than I expected.
Looking Back
Here is the extra. I look back at my illustration review notes. This note is about cropping illustrations. I have done the cropping and splitting as appropriate depending on the service to which I am submitting.
Fan art for games. I like this outfit. I want to draw these kind of things one after another.
This single picture can be divided into two sections. The first is a portrait with a background at the top, and the second is a doodle at the bottom. I output the two. The picture that contains these two sections in one image, and the two images that are cut up from the picture. Then, for each service to be posted, one of these was posted.
The two split pictures
I posted one picture to If I had posted the better of the two, the images would each be packed into a nearly square (about 8:9) frame as "object-fit: cover;". This is a lot of areas to be cropped. One image would be a thumbnail with the top and bottom cut off a bit, but almost the entire image would be visible.
Pixiv shows 1:1 thumbnail view in search and listings. There, the image is automatically cropped around the face and other peaks from the image. One image may not crop well because there are three faces in one image. So I posted a cropped version of two images.
Tumblr displays my images in their original ratio. So I could have posted either one. I posted two images so that I could easily see each in a lightbox. Tumblr's display format is most appreciated by me for posting illustrations.
A correction and an addition: I wrote that Pixiv thumbnails are automatically cropped. But you can optionally crop these as well.
This was a minor detail about submitting illustrations. Every web service has a different display format. I was trying to show it in a way that looks good so that people can find my post.