Updates of my illustrations

I am KuniKuni, a hobby artist living in Tokyo. I draw fan art for anime shows and video games. My illustrations are available on my website.

In this newsletter I will post some of my illustrations. This is my strategy, because social networking posts cannot be delivered reliably due to filters and algorithms, but I can deliver them to you by using email.

Your email address will be used for…

If you subscribe to kunikuni.substack.com under Substack, The editor (it’s me) will be able to access your e-mail address. Please carefully consider the e-mail address you register. I recommend the use of mail masks.

Your email address will also be used to relocate newsletter distribution services that may happen in the future. If you don't like to register your e-mail address, please subscribe to the RSS feed.

Subscribe to kunikuni.substack.com

Let know new updates of KuniKuniMitanni


Interests in video games, comics, animation and information technology.